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WHO Retired / semi-retired individuals.
WHAT Meetings to hear speakers from diverse fields of interest & interact with other members. Special interest groups to socialize with like-minded individuals.
WHEN Monthly, every 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 10 am to 12 noon. Special interest groups scheduled at regular intervals.
WHERE Army, Navy & AirForce Unit #255 @ 53 Water St., enter via Culver St. Special interest groups at various locations.
WHY To meet a varied cross section of people from many backgrounds, gain knowledge from speakers, join special interest groups.
HOW MEMBERSHIP. New members welcome. Visitors/guests invited to attend one meeting to hear a speaker and meet members. Special invitation not required.
More Information
From the menu above, click on 'Activity' for a list of special interest groups.
From the menu above, click on 'Membership' for info on joining.
Questions? Email or from the menu above click on 'Contact' and fill out the form.
Focus is on Social Contact & Activities
Probus Constitutional Values
non political
non sectarian
non competitive with any other organizations
will not fund raise or become a service club
Find more about Probus Canada here: PROBUS Canada​
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